
Dear Colleagues and Valued Partners,

This is the Sustainability Manifesto of our company.

Date : September 2024

We designed our building entirely with the Green Building concept. First, we would like to briefly explain what a Green Building is. A green building is a sustainable or environmentally friendly building designed and constructed with a focus on minimizing its environmental impacts throughout its lifecycle. These buildings incorporate various features that contribute to energy efficiency, resource conservation, and overall sustainability principles.

Let us also briefly address the concept of sustainability. Sustainability, by definition, refers to the ability to maintain or continue a particular activity at a certain level or rate. However, this term has been prominent in environmental contexts for many years. Our company takes maximum measures in environmental aspects and continuously demonstrates improvement in this field. Sustainability is not limited to environmental effectiveness but is a concern that involves all partner. The graph below illustrates our partners.

At the center is Arı Ltd., which maintains constant communication with all stakeholders. Our company continues to sustain this communication with all stakeholders, and today, this communication must be sustainable.

Examples of the Sustainability Concept
  • Choosing reusable products instead of single-use items
  • Reducing plastic waste
  • Using energy, water, and all resources efficiently
  • Avoiding unnecessary purchases
Examples of Environmental Sustainability
  • Increasing green spaces
  • Preventing urban sprawl
  • Raising environmental awareness
  • Reducing factors accelerating global climate change
Examples of Economic Sustainability
  • Maintaining community independence
  • Securing individuals' livelihoods
  • Ensuring access to necessary resources
Examples of Social Sustainability
  • Gender equality
  • Protecting the rights of disadvantaged individuals
  • Ensuring a high quality of life
  • Social cohesion
  • Diversity
  • Democracy
Examples of Corporate Sustainability
  • Creating new investment opportunities
  • enhancing brand value
  • managing risks effectively
  • Innovating in the business field

Sustainability Projects Implemented in 2022 and Activated in 2023 with Our Move to the Yalova Facility

Energy Sustainability

Panels: We started with the building’s exterior to ensure the energy savings. For this purpose, we chose panels with low thermal conductivity coefficients and the best fire reaction class for both the exterior and roof panels. The goal here was to achieve energy savings in cooling during the summer and heating in the winter. This choice aimed to achieve energy savings in cooling during summer and heating during winter. We selected the best panels available in the market, as detailed in the table below. Additionally, we opted for lighter-colored panels for aesthetic and energy efficiency reasons.

Description Facade Panel Roof Panel

Brand Model

Polyisocyanurate S Line

PIR, Photovoltaic Quick Fix


39 – 40

38 – 40

Fire Reaction Class


Thermal Conductivity Coefficient

λ= 0.022 W / mK

Coating Type

Polyester, PVDF, PVC, Plastisol

Interior and Exterior Metal

Galvanized Steel, Aluminum, Aluzinc, Cr-Ni (Stainless Steel)

Although exact measurable results are not available, we did not experience discomfort from very cold or very hot weather throughout the year. During relatively high temperatures in 2024, we maintained a comfortable working environment using 5-6 fans. In winter, we kept our working area at a suitable temperature with 5 small heaters.

Renewable Energy Sources: The roof panels mentioned above were selected to be compatible with the Solar Energy System (SES) installation. However, due to the lack of capacity allocation by our electricity distribution company UYEDAŞ, we are currently unable to proceed with the SES investment. Therefore, we have postponed the SES investment to 2026. Nonetheless, we ensure that the energy we purchase is I-REC certified recycled green energy.

Lighting: Factory lighting is provided through vertically placed windows on the exterior façade. These windows are designed to capture maximum sunlight from sunrise to sunset. All windows are selected as thermal glass, ensuring sound and heat insulation, thus providing low energy consumption and efficient lighting. In the offices, we use thermal glass windows facing either outside or inside wherever possible. This approach serves two purposes: preventing heat loss and ensuring light gain and sharing. Light is gained from outward-facing windows, while inward-facing windows support mutual light sharing.

Ventilation Automation: Our factory’s offices and blue-collar changing rooms operate with automated VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) ventilation systems. Our working hours are from 07:00 to 16:00. Administrative area ventilation starts at 06:45 and ends at 15:45 on working days. Blue-collar changing rooms are ventilated from 06:45, closing at 07:15 and reopening at 15:45, closing again at 16:45. This automation provides maximum comfort and efficiency as planned during the construction process.

Dark Factory: This concept is one of the cornerstones of sustainability. While planning the Yalova facility, we considered the current challenges. In today's world, it is increasingly important for competitiveness, personnel, and energy costs. Therefore, we planned to establish production cells with automation and minimal personnel in our new factory. Upon moving to the Yalova facility, we designed and implemented our first cell. At the Kartal factory, production on 4 CNC machines was managed with 4 personnel. Here, we reduced it to 2 machines with a 24-hour automated cell. At Kartal, 4 personnel operated 4 machines, whereas only one automation operator runs the system here. As of June 2024, the system is fully operational and even has spare capacity. This investment allows us to achieve a more sustainable production. Our target for 2025 is to invest in one more cell.

Additionally, we have transitioned to the SmartFactory application. The goal here is to manage all operations through the SmartFactory program once automation is complete. With this program, we will be able to control and manage all digital data remotely. When our automation project is completed and we reach our dark factory goal by 2026, we will obtain digital data on energy efficiency control, part cost management, and more.

Water Sustainability: Sustainable water resources are unfortunately diminishing. Therefore, we pay great attention to this matter. Since our company does not produce industrial wastewater, we focus on other water uses. Rainwater is collected in a 72-ton water tank at our facility. Of the collected water, 60 tons are used for WC flushing and landscaping. The remaining 12 tons feed the fire extinguishing system. If the water level falls below 12 tons (which only happens during a fire), municipal water supports this system. Our clean water tank is entirely separate. Additionally, all faucets in our company are sensor-operated to minimize water consumption. Urinals in men's restrooms are push-button to further reduce water usage. All of these choices involve A+ rated, efficient products.

We irrigate our green areas using programmable, efficient water systems, thereby preventing water wastage.

Since no water is used in our production process, no additional water savings can be made. However, with the new municipal water supply provided in our OSB (Organized Industrial Zone), starting from September 2024, we will separate and measure the municipal water and rainwater used, and evaluate the benefits of the rainwater collected.

Creating Breathable Environments

The comfort and health of our employees are our top priorities. Our facility is equipped with CNC lathes and milling machines that use boron oil. When the covers of these CNC machines are opened, the boron oil emits vapor into the environment. To prevent this vapor from being inhaled by our employees and from spreading in the workplace, we have installed air filters on each machine. This ensures that our production environment remains healthy.

In the offices, we have installed units that provide clean air for all rooms that do not open to the outside. This provides all our employees with the opportunity to work in a clean environment.

Waste Management and Recycling

In our previous location, we had no waste management system. At the Yalova facility, we constructed a designated waste management area during the construction phase. We continuously provide training and raise awareness among all our staff.

Additionally, we source our BigBag and strapping materials from companies that produce them from recycled materials.

Products from our main supplier arrive in BigBags and on pallets. As soon as we receive the BigBags, we unload them from the pallets and sell them as second-hand, as if they were unused.

Building Material Selection

In the construction of our building, we carefully selected healthy and eco-friendly materials with low carbon emissions, durability, and long life.

TSE Safe Green Building

In line with this, we have applied for the TSE Safe Green Building certification. We have passed inspections for earthquake, fire, and environmental measurements. We expect to receive positive results soon. As the first certified Safe Green Building in our Organized Industrial Zone and within our industry, we hope to share this proud news with you as soon as possible.

Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (SKDM-CBAM) and ISO 14064-1


The SKDM (Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism) is a carbon emission management mechanism introduced by the European Union (EU) to reduce the risk of carbon leakage for EU-based importers. It aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the EU and prevent carbon leakage that the EU has been addressing for a long time.

SKDM emissions account for both direct emissions and indirect emissions from the production of electricity used in the manufacturing process. This aims to assess the emissions of products more comprehensively. SKDM includes the calculation of embedded emissions in products, based on a cradle-to-gate approach.

To explain this concept, it is the measure of the environmental harm caused by human activities in terms of CO₂ emitted, divided into two main components: direct footprint and indirect footprint. The direct footprint includes CO₂ emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, including residential energy consumption and transportation. The indirect footprint includes CO₂ emissions related to the production and eventual disposal of products used throughout their lifecycle.

Why is this important to us? Since 2023, the European Union (EU) has implemented a Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). This tax is calculated based on the greenhouse gas emissions released during the production of certain products imported into the EU. The first phase of SKDM covers six major sectors with a risk of carbon leakage: cement, steel, aluminum, fertilizers, hydrogen, and electricity. These sectors have significant carbon emissions potential and are therefore the initial targets of SKDM.

The transition period will continue until the end of 2025, during which EU importers will not have to pay any carbon tax. However, they will be required to report the embedded emissions in imported products under SKDM. From 2026 onwards, SKDM will fully come into effect, declarations will be required from customers, and verification of these calculations will be requested.

In summary, we first need to make our carbon footprint measurable and then reduce it. In the second quarter of 2024, some of our customers began questioning this. We acted quickly and consulted various advisory firms, eventually connecting with CarbonGate. Due to our strong existing infrastructure, we began digitalizing these calculations.

Currently, we have calculated and prepared declarations for our Border Carbon Footprint for the first two quarters of 2024. We are proud to announce that we are one of the first companies in our sector to achieve this.

ISO 14064-1 (Corporate Carbon Footprint): For 2023, we have calculated our ISO 14064-1 (Corporate Carbon Footprint), and our report is ready. We believe that our very low values will enhance our strength. We will publish it on our website shortly.

Furthermore, as a company, we aim to plant trees each year equivalent to the amount of carbon we emit. We will start planting our first trees at the beginning of 2025. Our goal is to achieve a net-zero carbon value.

Environmental Communication

When we decided to move from the Kartal campus to the Yalova campus, we were concerned about the difficulty of finding qualified personnel. Therefore, in 2022, Arı Ltd began collaborating with Şehit Sercan Yazar Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. We undertook the establishment of a laboratory for the school. Additionally, during the 2022 academic year, we provided internship opportunities in Istanbul for 4 students from the school. We covered all their accommodation and travel expenses. Currently, one of these students continues to work with us, while the other three found job opportunities in the local industry in Yalova. When we moved to Yalova in 2023, we also hired several graduates from the same high school. We continuously offer internships and this collaboration continues to provide both our company and the local community with skilled employment.

Planned Projects for 2024-2026

Full automation of an unmanned grinding cell within our company. The goal is to implement an economical and environmentally friendly solution in our company to handle a process that can be harmful to human health if human resources are unavailable or inadequate measures are taken in the grinding industry. Target: 2026

Conversion of all company vehicles, which currently use fossil fuels, to hybrid or fully electric by 2025. Target: 2025

As you know, breakfast is very important, and eggs are among the healthiest foods. Currently, eggs are produced through factory methods. Therefore, we plan to produce organic chicken eggs within our company premises for breakfast. Target: 2025

Solar Power Plant (GES). As mentioned above, due to an independent reason, this investment has been postponed to 2026.

Calculation of ISO 14067. With SKDM values becoming mandatory from 2026, we aim to transition to ISO 14067, which calculates embedded emissions in products, starting from 2026 to gain a competitive advantage in some components.

Expansion of automation in assembly and quality control. Given the rising labor costs compared to cheaper production areas, our main goal is to maintain the current workforce while focusing on automation to achieve double the turnover with the existing staff and maintain our competitiveness. Otherwise, we may face job losses in the coming years due to the increasing difficulty in finding and affording workers. Many companies are already operating at break-even points or relocating to cheaper countries.

Communication and development with suppliers. We will hold at least two supplier days per year, especially focusing on suppliers with no or underdeveloped quality systems. The main aim is to explain our sustainability and Border Carbon Footprint goals and to increase efficiency. Target: First meeting in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Project to enhance the role and value of women in society. Unfortunately, women are not given the necessary value in our country. However, both Islam and Atatürk's principles greatly value women. To integrate women into social life, we will implement positive discrimination in our hiring practices and, starting from the fourth quarter of 2024, will organize various courses for our female employees.

Training of internal staff. Due to difficulties in finding qualified personnel, we aim to provide continuous training for our employees starting from the fourth quarter of 2024. Our goal is to complete their career planning and development within our company and ensure their long-term retention.

Designing green products. There has been no change in metal connection accessories since World War II. However, we plan to obtain products with the same strength using less material through a new material project with our supplier. Initial trials will occur in the last months of 2024 or early 2025.

Implementation of Integrated Management Systems. In addition to the existing ISO 9001 Quality Management System, we will implement ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

Mission, Vision, Company Values, and Ethical Rules

Mission: To produce reliable and economically valuable products by staying one step ahead of customer expectations through innovation and utilizing current technology.

Vision: To be the preferred supplier of products in the formwork and scaffold connection industry and to be the leading institution in new product development and design.

Company Values:

  • We recognize and reward individual and team success.
  • We share common goals through teamwork.
  • We trust and respect each other.
  • We openly discuss our expectations from each other.
  • We conduct business with uncompromising honesty.
  • We are committed to innovation and continuous improvement.
  • We fulfill our commitments.
  • We design for you.
  • Our people are our most valuable asset.

Company Ethical Rules:
  • Honesty: Employees must maintain honesty and open communication in the workplace.
  • Teamwork: Members of a professional organization must work together to get the job done.
  • Objectivity: Employers should not make career decisions based on personal relationships or favoritism.
  • Respect: We must respect others' property, choices, and lives.
  • Loyalty: People should prioritize the needs of their family and friends above their own.
  • Value of Life: Avoid any actions or practices that put lives at risk.
  • Peace: Avoid violence as much as possible.
  • Do Not Steal: Do not take things that do not belong to you.
  • Sustainable Living: Live in a way that does not waste unsustainable resources.
  • Support for the Disadvantaged: Prioritize care for those who are medically or economically disadvantaged.

All the processes mentioned above, which have been implemented so far, were planned in collaboration with our employees, our contracting firm YIMES, and the environmental teams of our Organized Industrial Zone during 2022-2023 and have been put into practice at our new Yalova campus.

Participation and Communication

In July 2024, under a program run by the Turkish Exporters Assembly, we will work with Prof. Dr. Güray Salihoğlu and his team for 12 months on “Corporate Sustainability.” He will provide consultancy services throughout this process. This project is a collaboration between Arı Ltd and its stakeholders. We believe that working together is essential for a more sustainable business and world. We aim to involve everyone in this process. Those with sustainability goals should share their ideas with our Integrated Management Systems and Sustainability Manager, Mr. İlhan Selçuk. Ideas that lead to tangible sustainability improvements will be rewarded.

Some of the projects we have implemented so far are measurable improvements, while others are not due to our move to the new factory. However, we aim for sustainability ideas to be measurable, such as improving efficiency or recycling waste. Ideas that lead to measurable improvements will earn a 10% bonus for the idea creators based on the savings achieved within a year. Non-measurable but still implementable ideas will be rewarded at the discretion of the Sustainability Committee. This practice will also include our suppliers and all stakeholders 😊

Finally, we want to mention EcoVadis. Founded in 2007, EcoVadis is one of the world’s most comprehensive sustainability rating tools, assessing the social, ethical, and environmental impacts of both private and public companies. Over the past decade, it has established a network of over 65,000 rated companies worldwide. At the beginning of 2023, one of our clients requested an EcoVadis assessment. Despite being located at the Kartal campus at the time and not expecting a high score, we received 40 points. Our goal is to request a reassessment in 2025, aiming for a Gold Medal.

To more sustainable future…