Arı Döküm Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy

 At Arı Döküm, we adhere to honesty, transparency, and ethical values in all our activities. We adopt a zero-tolerance policy toward corruption and bribery and are committed to conducting our business processes in line with these principles.

  1. Definitions Corruption: The act of abusing one's position for personal gain or to provide unfair benefits to others. • Bribery: Offering or soliciting material or immaterial values to influence a person's actions in business decisions.
  2. Scope This policy covers all Arı Döküm employees, managers, business partners, suppliers, and third parties. Full compliance with this policy is expected from all parties.
  3. Core PrinciplesZero Tolerance: No form of corruption or bribery is tolerated. • Legal Compliance: We fully comply with all national and international anti-corruption laws and regulations. • Transparency: All business processes and transactions are conducted transparently and documented.
  4. Gifts and Hospitality PolicyReceiving and Giving Gifts: Gifts and hospitality aimed at influencing business relationships or perceived as such are neither accepted nor offered.